Veterans Benefits

Veterans and members of the Selected Reserve may be eligible to receive educational benefits while enrolled in and pursuing an approved program of education and training. 

Spouses of veterans who are rated by the VA and found to be totally and permanently disabled from a service-related disability or have died due to a service-related disability, have 10-20 years from their initial date of eligibility. Children of these veterans have until age 26.

Members of the Selected Reserve, who have not served active duty other than training, are required to remain actively drilling in order to maintain eligibility. Reservists who were ordered to active duty after September 11, 2001, in response to war or national emergency, have no delimiting date as long as they remain in their reserve component.

To be eligible for veterans educational benefits, students must:

  1. Be eligible under one of the benefit programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs;
  2. Be pursuing courses at least as half-time students to receive monthly benefits;
  3. Maintain a 2.0 grade point average for graduation or show satisfactory progress each term while on academic probation;
  4. Pursue one program at a time;
  5. Take only courses applicable to the stated, current program.