
Fees represent the college’s core charges for instructional offerings. Course related fees are based on a formula applied to the consumable costs associated with a course that are not part of tuition. Others may be a fixed rate and tied to professional organizations or testing.

Lab Fees: These fees recover some or all of the costs for supplies normally used in an individual course to support student learning and development. Depending on the average costs, lab fees are derived through a formula that considers the actual cost per student, on average, with a defined fee maximum ceiling which considers both course and total program cost. Fees are reviewed regularly to insure that the fee range is accurate and consistent with course instructional requirements.

Technology Fees: This is a per student fee intended to provide support for technology infrastructure costs. This fee is applied to all students attending Kirkwood Community College.

Incidental Fees: Some courses or programs of study may impose fees for a variety of purposes. Some programs/courses, for example, may require testing fees or professional credentialing or contributions to support events relevant to the organization or course program of study. Courses or programs may require students to purchase individual supplies or materials necessary for projects, learning activities, or external assessments.

Non-Credit Fees: Fees are established for various non-credit courses and programs based on the delivery cost of the course or program. These fees may be separate or included as the cost for enrolling in the course or program of study.

Refunds: Some fees are not refundable but most are refundable before the course starts and through the end of its 100% tuition refund period.