Reading (RDG)

RDG-130 Effective Reading Strategies  (3)  

Provides instruction in study skills and reading improvement for college readers. Develops flexibility in students' reading rates and strategies for improving comprehension of standard college texts. Provides practice with library, test taking, time management and vocabulary skills. Recommended to be taken in conjunction with another college-level course. Also recommend: Also recommended: an ACCUPLACER score of 45 or above, or ACT score of 16 or above. Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A

Hours per week: 3.0 lecture

RDG-924 Honors Project  (1)  

Allows a qualified honors student to pursue a special concentration of study under the guidance of a faculty member. Requires completion of an honors project contract. May be taken more than once. Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Comments: Requires approval of supervising professor and dean

Hours per week: 1.0 lecture

RDG-928 Independent Study  (1-3)  

Allows the student to pursue a special concentration of study under the guidance of a faculty member. Requires an independent study contract. Arts & Sciences Elective Code: A; Comments: Requires approval of supervising professor and dean

Hours per week: 2.0 lab